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Scholarship Opportunities

Millions of dollars of scholarships are made available to college students each year – some land surveying specific, some not.


Students entering programs leading to land surveying careers and dependents of PLSO members qualify for scholarships. Apply through the OSAC website. The selection process is independently conducted by a primary PLSO scholarship committee (made up of PLSO members) and a PLSO scholarship oversight committee (made up of a majority of non surveyors and the PLSO scholarship chair and the PLSO chair). Scroll down or click here for more information


Office of Student Access and Completion awards more than $17 million in scholarships, including PLSO Surveying and Member Benefit monies.  View Website


National Society of Professional Surveyors Foundation awards over $29,000 in scholarships for those pursuing geospatial sciences.  View Website

Oregon Tech Foundation

More than 145 scholarship opportunities for Oregon Tech students.  View Website


Use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form to apply for financial aid for college or grad school in accompaniment to scholarship applications.  View Website

Other Opportunities

There are many scholarship opportunities available. We have referenced a few below.

PLSO Scholarships run through OSAC

PLSO - Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon
Bill Guile & L. Brian Weigart Scholarships


  • Must be enrolled in curriculum leading to land-surveying careers and must be intending to take the Fundamentals of Land Surveying Exam. 
  • Open for both full-time and part-time to apply. If a recipient enrolls part-time for any term in the academic year, OSAC shall have the institution return the disbursement, and then will re-approve ½ of the full-time award amount for that term. PLSO defines full-time status as 12 or more credits and part-time as 6-11 credits.
  • FAFSA: Required - based on financial need
  • Apply-compete annually
  • Award information: Maximum award based on year in school
  • Apply - compete annually, may be received for a maximum of 4 years

PLSO - Sue Newstetter


  • Same as above, plus:
    • Preference given to female students, or to applicants pursuing a career in a rural area

PLSO - Pete Maring Scholarship


  • Children, step children, adopted children of PLSO members and individuals who are under the legal guardianship or were under the legal guardianship up until the age 18 or grandchildren of PLSO members, pursuing a post-secondary education in any field of study are eligible to apply for the Pete Maring scholarship.

  • Career field: Other than land surveying
  • FAFSA: Not required - not based on financial need
  • One-time award


October 1: FAFSA application opens. Get an FSA ID before starting the FAFSA.

February 18: Early Bird applications will be reviewed and applicants can make corrections. Error-free apps will be entered into a drawing for a $1,000 scholarship.

March 1: Application deadline: FAFSA, Activities Chart, Personal Statements, Extra documents if required.

May to August: OSAC will send scholarship notifications via email. Check the Student Portal for updated notifications.

Other Scholarship Opportunities

Oregon Chapter of American Public Works Association (APWA)  offers a variety of scholarships intended to promote and expand educational opportunities and vocational skills in public works and to support the development of public works professionals. See their list of scholarships here.

Horatio Alger Association Career and Technical Education Scholarships — worth up to $2,500 — are awarded to students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their lives who wish to pursue a career or technical education at an accredited non-profit post-secondary institution in the United States. Make Stem 100%: Share a Resource Guide Scholarship — worth up to $2,000 — is awarded to students who help spread the word that STEM careers make a difference!

Associated Oregon Loggers, Inc. offers scholarships to those studying Forest Engineering (See OSU program).

Western  Undergraduate Exchange Program offeres 150% of resident tuition (or less) by 160+ public colleges and universities across the West. Search schools here.

American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) and its Foundation provide financial support each year to undergraduate and graduate students. See their application process here.

David Evans & Assoicates offers merit scholarships for those majoring and demonstrating exceptional promise in Civil Engineering (transportation, structural, land development, or environmental), Electrical Engineering, Surveying/Geomatics, Marine/Hydrographic Science, Landscape Architecture, Construction Engineering, Planning, or Natural Resources/Environmental Science. To find out more information and see their application process, go here.

Oregon Goes to College is an incredible resource to download checklists and search for scholarships. Click here for checklist or here for scholarships.

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