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Fundementals of of Surveying: Exam Study Manual

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The Fundamentals of Surveying: Exam Study Manual is aimed to assist in understanding land surveying fundamentals and to provide knowledge of recommended topics associated with the NCEES Fundamentals of Surveying (FS) examination. The topics within the manual are thoroughly discussed and outlined in a concise and organized manner. The manual serves as a quick reference through the use of texts, graphics, and examples. The concepts of the following topics are explored: public lands survey system (i.e. section, township, and quadrangle layout, single and double proportioning, closing corners, meander lines), easements, title, deeds, descriptions, evidence, simultaneous conveyances, records research, rules of construction, riparian rights, order of operations, quadratic equations, triangles, degree to decimal degree conversions, bearing to azimuth conversions, magnetic declination, horizontal and vertical curves, area calculations, intersection of lines/slope, photogrammetry, statistics and probability, field measurements and corrections, level loops, geodesy, grid/ground calculations, least squares and traverse adjustments, etc.
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