It’s not breaking news that the annual number of retiring surveyors far exceeds the number of those entering the surveying profession. It’s up to us to reverse this trend. One of the best ways to do that is to introduce the newest generation to the surveying profession. Show them how interesting your job is and how it relates to their local community
Help PLSO, NSPS and NCEES get the word out! Check out the tool kit designed to help you promote the profession here.
A “live” link to the GPS on Bench Marks activity mentioned in Section 3 of the kit is found here.
Other great suggestions that some state societies and individual NSPS members are doing include: Geocaching activities, Survey Day in Mall, request to speak to a local civic club (Elks, Grange, Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary, Ruritan, VFW, etc.), Professional Organization (Realtors/Attorneys/Bankers/Title Agents/etc.), or Teachers organization (School Counselors, Teachers of Math and Science, etc.)