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PLSO Announces New Rebranding Partnership

October 06, 2017 9:57 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

PLSO Announces New Rebranding Partnership

PLSO is excited to announce its new partnership with creative services firm Pivot Group. Pivot is a Portland-based customer engagement company that specializes in telling their clients stories in a compelling way. And that is exactly what PLSO wants to do. Tell our story to the professional community, public and future workforce. PLSO's ultimate goals during this process are:

1.     Increase the public awareness of the importance of the surveying profession and promoting the image of the profession.

2.     Increase the number of young people coming into the profession.

3.     Make PLSO an easily recognizable organization to the public, Oregon legislature, and partner professions.

4.     Make PLSO relevant to Oregon surveyors and increase membership by giving a clear message about who we are and our value to professionals.

With over half of their clients being non-profits, Pivot Group understands the unique culture PLSO brings to the table. The firm has dedicated staff members working in tandem on non-profit accounts, ensuring they are immersed in the language, trends, challenges, and opportunities unique to the non-profit world.

Most recently, they have won national awards for their work, including projects recognized by American Marketing, MUSE, How Magazine, Print Magazine, and Graphis.

The planning, approval and selection process went through multiple discussions at the PLSO State Board level prior to creating a member driven task force to work exclusively on the project. This summer the group selected three firms to interview from a larger pool that had responded to an RFP and unanimously voted on Pivot Group before sending it to the State Board for approval. Minutes of the State Board meetings are all kept online in the Membership Resource tab of Members Only section

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