The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) has been providing the Pacific Northwest with clean energy since 1937, and it has been responsible for surveying its infrastructure since inception. Over the course of our 80 year history, we have been fortunate to preserve cadastral records across our seven state territory. We are in the process of creating an ArcGIS Online (AGOL) environment where the individual cadastral records are georeferenced and original field notes can be searched. We now have Idaho, Montana, and Oregon available for research and want to share this information with you!
The data can be accessed through ArcGIS Online by searching for ‘BPA Cadastral’, then open the ‘APP’ icon at the bottom of the search. You can also reach the same maps here:
BPA Cadastral Control - Idaho
BPA Cadastral Control - Montana
BPA Cadastral Control - Oregon
Please note that the location data was pulled mostly from GCDB values and should be used for research purposes only. There is no warranty that monuments as noted should be held. Please be sure to perform additional research and utilize this information for its’ historical value in perpetuating evidence.
We will be periodically adding to the database, with Washington cadastral records to follow. We continue to survey across BPA’s service area and will update current records at a regular interval, to be determined. Please share this with others who may benefit as well.