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Call for Papers - FIG Working Week 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam

September 14, 2018 8:26 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)



22-26 April 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam
at Vietnam National Convention Center

Few countries in the world have had such a rapid development as Vietnam during the last decades. Hanoi, the city where the FIG Working Week 2019 will be held, has grown extremely quickly during the last decades. This urban transition puts intense pressure on keeping the pace with rising demands for transport, infrastructure, social services, housing, environmental controls, data management and public amenities. Further to this development, Vietnam is considered as one of the countries most affected by climate changes. Hanoi is particularly at risk as it is situated in a low-lying area near the mouth of a major and unpredictable river.

Smart living is a major key to the fight against climate change. Spatial information, big data, surveying, BIM, land administration, real estate management and much more are essential factors in this development. The theme of the Working Week:

Geospatial information for a smarter life and environmental resilience

addresses these challenges that are crucial not only in Vietnam but for many all over the world.

The three conference days will focus on how to deal with these challenges by working towards a smarter life both through the development of smart sustainable cities and the development of rural areas.

Are you interested in presenting at FIG Working Week? Do you have an inspiring story to tell and interesting findings to present? Please check out the Call for Papers at  

The deadlines are coming up soon:
Peer review abstracts AND full papers: 1 October 2018
Non peer review abstracts: 1 November 2018 l non peer review papers: 1 February 2019

For more information about the conference, please go to

We look forward to receiving your abstract

Kind regards,
Ms. Claudia Stormoen
FIG Event and Support Manager

International Federation of Surveyors
Fédération Internationale des Géomčtres
Internationale Vereiningung der Vermessungsingenieure

Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
DK-1780 Copenhagen V
Tel. + 45 3886 1081
Direct: + 45 9391 0812

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