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  • 06 Mar 2014 2:33 PM | Deleted user

    NGS encourages anyone with survey-grade Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers to join the 2014 GPS on Bench Marks Campaign, a National Surveyors Week (March 16-22) event to raise awareness about professional surveying while improving the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS).

    Why Participate?

    The nation’s height system, the North American Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), is founded on historic geodetic leveling surveys on thousands of bench marks that are often difficult and expensive to access. By adding GPS coordinates to these marks, the height system can be modeled in GPS survey systems for easier access. The latest hybrid geoid model, GEOID12A , includes many “GPS on bench mark” observations, but would benefit from additional data collection in many areas

    Click here to find out how to participate!

  • 05 Mar 2014 12:00 AM | Deleted user
    National Surveyors Week will be celebrated nationwide March 16-22, according to the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS).

    Hundreds of surveyors nationwide are planning activities, such as talks to school groups, contacts with their local news media about the importance of the nation's surveying profession, and booths at popular community locations to describe the importance of the work and role of surveyors and their contributions to society. These activities will enable citizens to look back at the historic contributions of surveying and look ahead to the new technologies that are constantly modernizing the profession.

    GPS Day is being held in conjunction with National Surveyors Week, and will be held on March 16 as a lead-in to the week. 

    The message to be spread, according to NSPS, is that the role of the surveyor has been, and remains, of vital importance in the development of the United States. 

    "As long as property ownership remains one of the pillars of life in America, the role of surveyors will remain vital," says Curt Sumner, executive director of NSPS. "To this day, owning land, America's greatest asset, remains the American dream. Without the knowledge, abilities and guidance of a professional surveyor to determine boundaries this dream largely disappears."

    NSPS has petitioned The White House to proclaim this week National Surveyors Week. In addition, a number of state surveying societies have petitioned their state legislatures to do the same at the state level.

    In his request to The White House to declare this week National Surveyors Week, Sumner outlined how "since the colonial days of this nation, surveyors have been leaders in the community, statesmen, influential citizens and shapers of cultural standards. Former surveyors include Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln."

    "Today," Sumner notes, "there are over 45,000 professional surveyors in the United States. The value of their work remains vital to the future economic growth of our nation." 

    For example:
    • Hydrographic surveys are important to the use bodies of water;
    • Engineering surveys are utilized in the study and selection of engineering construction;
    • Geodetic surveys determine precise global positioning for such activities as aircraft and missile navigation;
    • Cartographic surveys are used for mapping and charting as well as photogrammetry, the science of using aerial photographs for measurement and map production.
    For more information about National Surveyors Week, go to
  • 03 Feb 2014 11:41 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    Modernization of the National Spatial Reference System
    A Workshop for Surveyors and GIS Professionals

    Presented by David Doyle - NGS Chief Geodetic Surveyor (Retired)
    Base 9 Geodetic Consulting Services

    Sponsored by Oregon GPS User’s Group

    When: Thursday April 3, 2014 7:30am-4:30pm
    Where: NW Eola Viticulture Center of Chemeketa C.C.
    215 Doaks Ferry Rd., Salem, OR 97304
    Lunch: Yes, tasty lunch is provided

    This professional presentation details the efforts to enhance the quality of and availability to the high accuracy positioning elements of the National Spatial Reference System.

    These include:
    • Enhancements to the On Line Positioning User Service (OPUS)
    • Gravity for the Redefinition of the American Vertical Datum (GRAV-D)
    • Transition to new horizontal (geometric) and vertical (geopotential) datums to replace NAD 83 and NAVD 88 - targeted to be completed by 2022.

    Are you prepared for the change? Continued user demands and shrinking budgets at NGS encourage the transition to the National Spatial Reference Framework (NSRS). This transition is to align with the international IGS-ITRF datum and to a gravity based vertical datum. Attend and learn of the upcoming transition and how best to take advantage of the changes and benefits that may be required of your upcoming surveys.

    Take advantage of the seminar to have questions answered during the afternoon session.

    When: Thursday April 3, 2014 7:30am-4:30pm
    Where: NW Eola Viticulture Center of Chemeketa C.C.
    215 Doaks Ferry Rd., Salem, OR 97304
    Lunch: Yes, tasty lunch is provided

    Check-in: 7:30-8:30 AM (Preregistration onlyundefinedNo registration at the door)

    PDH Credits: 7

    First come, first served for up to 150 registrants. Cost is $70 and includes buffet style lunch. Attendees will be emailed any handout materials prior to the workshop and should be self printed prior to your attendance. No materials will be provided at the workshop.

    Questions: or
    Send one registration per person to: Cael Neathamer P.O. Box 1674, Medford, OR 97501
    Make Checks payable to: Oregon GPS Users Group

    Printable form here

  • 31 Jan 2014 3:41 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    Oregon State University  Civil/Construction Engineering is offering two GPS Workshops in February.  You can register for either one or receive a discount if you register for both.


    Day 1: February 20: Basic GPS:


    This workshop introduces the basic concepts of GPS surveying and proper procedures as defined by various standards as they relate to both static and real-time surveys. Students will apply knowledge gained in the workshop to complete a project in a small group environment and follow-up with a presentation outlining the project to the entire class. Emphasis will be placed on hands-on learning. Bring a laptop - not required, but helpful.


    Staff: Prof. Michael Olson, PhD; Prof. Dan Gillins, PhD
    Date: February 20, 2014Thursday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, 110 Owen Hall
    Fee: $175; Both days $295 (same person)


    Day 2: February 21: Oregon Real-time GPS Network:


    Participants will learn about the structure of the Oregon Real-Time GPS Network (ORGN). You will learn how to download RINEX data for post-processing GPS field data. Access to ORGN rover accounts and what GPS equipment and cellular services are needed to utilize real-time corrector will be explained. A field exercise using GPS rovers and ORGN RT correctors will be held. New users and GPS novice personnel will gain the most from this workshop. If you bring your own rover equipment, please set up an ORGN rover account at prior to the workshop


    Staff: Ken Bays, PLS; Lead Geodetic Surveyor, ODOT; Randy Oberg, PLS, Geodetic Surveyor, ODOT, Tim Weaver, PLS, Survey Support Specialist, ODOT
    Dates: February 21, 2014Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, 110 Owen Hall
    Fee: $175; Both days $295 (same person)


    For more information to:

    Brochure may be viewed here: Winter Brochure 2014 14x8 5 bwv2.pdf

  • 24 Dec 2013 10:50 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)
    PLSO Office Special Holiday Hours
    Tuesday, December 24, 2013: OPEN until 12pm
    Wednesday, December 25, 2013: CLOSED
    Thursday, December 26, 2013 to Monday, December 30, 2012: OPEN from 8am to 5pm.

    Tuesday, December 31, 2013: OPEN until 12pm
    Wednesday, January 1, 2014: CLOSED
    We will resume regular business hours on Thursday, January 2, 2014; 8am to 5pm.
  • 27 Nov 2013 8:36 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)
    The PLSO office will be closed Thursday, November 28, 2013 and  Friday, November 29, 2013 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. The office will be open the following Monday, December 2, 2013 at 8am.
  • 27 Nov 2013 8:27 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)
    For a schedule, map contest information, auction details and more, click on our calendar and events page, then click 2014 Conference, or follow this link
  • 23 Sep 2013 9:04 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)
    Veterans Affairs has approved the CFedS Program for reimbursement of fees for the final exam and continuing education tests. Read more at this link .
  • 09 Sep 2013 1:29 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    Oregon Tech Offers High-Demand Online Courses in Geomatics

    Sept. 9, 2013, KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. – The Geomatics Department at the Oregon Institute of Technology is proud to announce that beginning September 30, 2013, selected Geomatics courses in Surveying and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) will be offered online. These courses are designed for the working professional that desires formal education to advance in their career. All courses are fully accredited and transferable to the Geomatics degree.

    The GIS courses are being taught by Dr. John Ritter and the Surveying courses will be led by Mitch Duryea, PLS. Dr. Ritter and Professor Duryea are both faculty at the Oregon Tech campus in Klamath Falls.

    Clicke here to read the full press release
  • 25 Jun 2013 3:24 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)
    The PLSO office will be closed Thursday, July 4, 2013 and  Friday, July 5, 2013 for Independence Day. The office will be open the following, Monday, July 8, 2013 at 8am.
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