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  • 10 May 2023 1:14 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    UESI Surveying and Geomatics 2024 Conference  - Call for Abstracts Now Open

    The Call for Abstracts for the UESI Surveying and Geomatics 2024 Conference is now open. With the theme of "Surveying: the Foundation for Geospatial Data Fusion," this will be a valuable event for professional surveyors, engineers and academics practicing and researching in professional surveying and geomatics.

    Taking place in beautiful and historic Corvallis, Oregon, June 2 – 4, 2024, this conference is a joint effort of UESI, Oregon State University, SaGES and AAGS. Submit your abstract by June 30. Abstracts for presentations and panel sessions are being accepted.


  • 10 Apr 2023 10:05 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    By Darrell W. Fuller | Lobbyist [CLICK TO GO TO WHERE NEWSLETTER LEFT OFF]

    The 82nd Assembly of the Oregon Legislature began on January 9, 2023. As April begins, don’t expect to see Rihanna strutting around the state Capitol like she did at the Super Bowl Half Time Show, but be assured, it is half time in Salem.



    4,922: Number of bills which have been introduced since the start of the Legislative Session. About half of them died in Committee on April 4th which was “moving day”. Bill had to move out of their original committee or they were dead for this year (the deadline doesn’t count for bills in Ways & Means, Revenue and Finance, Transportation or Rules – that’ a lot of bills).

    160: Number of days in the Session. Wednesday, April 5th was day 80th day.

    17th: The day in May when state budget analysts will tell lawmakers how much money they have to spend on the 2023-25 biennial budget. That budget forecast will be the clarion call for the rush to finish the session by the Constitutional June 25th deadline.

    340: Number of bills I was tracking for all my clients prior to the committee deadline.

    230: Number of bills I am now tracking for my clients.

    (Hat tip to reporter extraordinaire Dick Hughes and his Capital Chatter column at for some of the numbers.)


    On behalf of PLSO, I follow bills which will, or may, have an impact on land surveyors. I also track bills with a general impact on business in Oregon. Below are links to both the industry-specific bills I am tracking, and the general businesses bills I am tracking. Here is some information on just a couple of the major bills of interest:

    House Bill 2029 / Bill Information

    Summary: Increases minimum type size for instruments presented for recording to county clerk.

    Relating To: Relating to instruments presented for recording to county clerk.


    3/24/23 H           Chapter 3, (2023 Laws): Effective date January 1, 2024.
    3/13/23 H           Governor signed.
    3/7/23   S           President signed.
    3/6/23   H           Speaker signed.

    House Bill 2057 / Bill Information

    Summary: Makes contractor jointly and severally liable in civil or administrative action for unpaid wages, including other benefit payment or contributions] of unrepresented employee of subcontractor at any tier. Provides statute of limitations for actions regarding recovery for unpaid and overtime wages. Permits third party owed payment or contribution made as part of employee compensation to bring action against contractor on behalf of employee for unpaid wages. Requires subcontractor to provide certain payroll records and other information to contractor upon request. Permits contractor to withhold payment to subcontractor for failure to comply with request for records under certain circumstances. (Bold added by amendment, italic deleted by amendment from original bill)

    Relating To: Relating to wages.


    4/5/23   H           Rules suspended. Carried over to April 6, 2023 Calendar.

    4/4/23   H           Second reading.

    4/3/23   H           Recommendation: Do pass with amendments and be printed A-Engrossed.

    3/27/23 H           Work Session held.

    3/8/23   H           Public Hearing held.

    1/11/23 H           Referred to Business and Labor.

    1/9/23   H           First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.

    House Bill 2213 / Bill Information

    Summary: Changes minimum contract price at which prevailing rate of wage applies to public works projects from $50,000 to amount Commissioner of Bureau of Labor and Industries specifies by rule. Provides that commissioner shall set contract price at $100,000 for year ending on December 31, 2024, and each year by March 31 must specify new contract price that reflects percentage change in U.S. City Average Consumer Price Index for previous calendar year. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.

    Relating To: Relating to an increase in the contract price at which the prevailing rate of wage applies to a contract for public works; creating new provisions; amending ORS 279C.810; and prescribing an effective date.

    Sponsors: Rep Smith DB, Rep Morgan



    House Bill 3187 / Bill Information

    Summary: Makes individuals who possess relevant technical experience and are employed seven or more years by certain types of districts, and certain types of registered professionals, eligible to apply for

    certification as water right examiners. (Bold added by amendment, italic deleted by amendment from original bill)

    Relating To: Relating to water right examiners; amending ORS 537.797 and 537.798.


    4/12/23 S           Public Hearing Scheduled.

    3/31/23 S           Referred to Natural Resources.

    3/28/23 S           First reading. Referred to President's desk.

    3/27/23 H           Third reading. Carried by Owens. Passed.

    3/23/23 H           Rules suspended. Carried over to March 27, 2023 Calendar.

    3/22/23 H           Second reading.

    3/21/23 H           Recommendation: Do pass with amendments and be printed A-Engrossed.

    3/14/23 H           Work Session held.

    2/14/23 H           Public Hearing held.

    2/2/23   H           Referred to Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water.

    2/2/23   H           First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.


    House Bill 3362 / Bill Information

    Summary: Allows city or county to validate unit of land that had been approved for creation or recognition that was later revoked after sale to innocent purchaser.

    Relating To: Relating to validation of unit of land acquired by innocent purchaser; amending ORS 92.176.


    4/4/23   H           Public Hearing and Work Session held.

    2/28/23 H           Referred to Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water.

    2/21/23 H           First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.


    Senate Bill 304 / Bill Information

    Summary: Establishes Task Force on Occupational Licensing. Directs task force to study value of occupational licensing regulatory agency. Permits task force to presession file legislation. Requires task force to report to Legislative Assembly. Sunsets December 31, 2024. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.

    Relating To: Relating to a task force on occupational licensing; and prescribing an effective date. Sponsors: Sen Dembrow, Sen Jama


    3/10/23 S           Referred to Ways and Means by prior reference.

    3/10/23 S           Recommendation: Do pass with amendments and be referred to Ways and Means by prior reference. (Printed A-Eng.)

    3/7/23   S           Public Hearing and Work Session held.

    2/7/23   S           Public Hearing held.

    1/31/23 S           Public Hearing held.

    1/13/23 S           Referred to Labor and Business, then Ways and Means.

    1/9/23   S           Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.


    Senate Bill 848 / Bill Information

    Summary: Extends provision relating to indemnification provisions in construction agreements to all types of damages. Provides that extent of obligation of person providing certain services to defend, indemnify or hold harmless another may be determined only after person's liability or fault is determined by adjudication or alternative dispute resolution or otherwise resolved by mutual agreement.

    Relating To: Relating to construction agreements; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 30.140.


    4/3/23 S             Work Session held.
    3/1/23 S             Public Hearing held.
    2/23/23 S           Public Hearing Cancelled.
    2/3/23 S             Referred to Judiciary.
    2/2/23 S             Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.



    The politicians can see the light at the end of the tunnel. April snow brings May flowers, or something like that. But warm weather also gives the politicians a sense of cabin fever. Keep your eyes open for monthly updates. In the meantime, please stay tuned. PLSO will send urgent updates if your help is needed in Salem. Your email, or phone call, could be pivotal in the success or failure of legislation. If you would like to visit with me, just reach out.


    A delegation of five Oregonians visited Washington, DC, in late March to lobby Oregon’s two U.S. Senators and our six Members of the U.S. House of Representatives. As your lobbyist, I was pleased to be a part of the PLSO delegation. I assisted with scheduling appointments and helping our surveyors navigate Capitol Hill. Our delegation had meetings with all eight offices.

    The Oregon delegation was scheduled to have four in-person meetings (Congressmen Earl Blumenauer and Cliff Bentz, and Congresswomen Lori Chavez-DeRemer and Val Hoyle) and four staff-level meetings (Senators Merkley and Wyden, and Congresswomen Suzanne Bonamici and Andrea Salinas). Regrettably Congresswoman Hoyle tested positive for COVID the day before our meeting, so we ended up meeting with her staff as she quarantined at home.

    When it comes to surveying, Oregon has a powerhouse delegation. We can have an impact on the national level if we develop and leverage relationships. Congressman Cliff Bentz was a private practice attorney specializing in water law in Eastern Oregon prior to entering the world of politics, so he has deep knowledge of surveying, including LIDAR and 3DEP technologies. He now Chairs the Subcommittee on Water, Wildlife and Fisheries of the Natural Resources Committee. Congresswoman Val Hoyle also serves on Bentz’s Subcommittee.

    Congresswoman Chavez-DeRemer and Salinas are both Members of the Agriculture Committee. And Congresswoman Chavez-DeRemer is also a Member of the Infrastructure and Transportation Committee, which is a key to the surveying community. This is great news. The previous Chair of the Committee was Oregon Congressman Peter DeFazio, who has retired.

    We had very productive meetings. NSPS is hoping to add language to this year’s Farm Bill, which is in the Agriculture Committee (Chavez-DeRemer and Salinas). You can read about NSPS’s ask here. NSPS is also interested in getting the IMAGES Act introduced. You can read about it here. Because of his background in water law, Congressman Bentz had a robust discussion on specific provisions of the IMAGES Act, which was very exciting.

    Oregon’s two U.S. Senators are also in powerful positions, with Senator Wyden as Chair of the Finance Committee, and Senator Merkley on the Appropriations Committee (where tax dollars are spent).

    Darrell Fuller has been a lobbyist in Salem since 1996. He can be reached by phone at 971-388-1786 and by email at


    Do you know who your State Senator and State Representative are in Salem? You can input your address and find out here. Your business location may be represented by a different Senator and Representative, meaning you can have twice the impact. You should know who represents you, and how to reach them during the Legislative Session.

    Do you personally know any State Senator or State Representative (even if they don’t represent you)? Do you attend the same church? Are you members of the same Rotary Club? Do your kids go to school together, or play on the same team? An established relationship with a legislator can be extremely valuable. If you have that kind of relationship, will you please let me know ASAP? Thanks, my contact information is at the end of this report. 

    If you want to testify (in person or virtually) in support or opposition to any proposal at the Capitol, you can learn how by clicking here. If you would like to submit written testimony, you can learn how by clicking here. If you have questions or problems, feel free to contact me directly (my contact information is at the end of this report).

    If you would like to offer your perspective or expertise to PLSO on any of the proposals, please send your input to the PLSO office by emailing, or contact your Chapter Legislative Chair.

    You can also register to track specific bills so you will know if they are scheduled for action. You can learn more about that process here.

  • 08 Mar 2023 12:27 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    Does your company have or want to create an internship program? A quality program can be a powerful recuiting tool for new graduates. Not only have you spent summers teaching them what you want your employees to know, you've already gotten to know each other. But what's important to remember is that an intern should not just be an entry level employee pounding hubs all summer because nobody else wants to do it. Internships are about creating the future workforce our profession needs to be successful. Think of it as a two to three month interview for both of you.

    Before hiring any intern you should put serious thought into envisioning the knowledge you want a new graduate to know and be able to accomplish their first year as a full time survey technician. Once you have that in mind, how are you going to ensure they learn how to do what you've outlined out under your internship program? To get started, here are some quick points to think about:

    • Timeframe: Have a clear start and end point with entry and exit surveys so you can measure how much they learned during their time with you. From that information you can refine your program each year.
    • Framework: Write down as many skills and experiences you think would be beneficial for an intern and then work them into an order that flows nicely, building skillsets naturally.
    • Establish an Intern Coordinator: Giving interns a point of contact and one person responsible for ensuring they get the most out of their experience is crucial.
    • Create a mentor or buddy system: Interns will already receive feedback from their senior supervisor. Creating a system where a more junior employee serves as a buddy to help answer questions can create a more relaxed environment.
    • Goals and check-ins: Make sure you both have a clear understanding of what you want out of the experience and then check-in often to see if all expectations are being met. Don't wait until the end of the program to communicate where you both came up short.
    • Stay in touch: You can keep teaching them what you want them to know, increasing their responsibility each year. Or simply staying in touch just might land you an amazingly well trained full-time employee.

    Send PLSO Your Internship Program Description and Contact Information

    Our state and community college program coordinators have asked that PLSO become a place for students to find out who has internship programs. Help us make that happen by sending us a short description and contact information that we can permantly keep on our website. Contact Aimee in the office at

  • 07 Mar 2023 5:28 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    By Darrell W. Fuller | Lobbyist [CLICK TO WHERE eNEWS LEFT OFF]

    The 82nd Assembly of the Oregon Legislature began on January 9, 2023. As we rush into “Spring” (I used quotation mark since it is still snowing, after all), committees are soon to face their first big deadline of the session. And this deadline is a biggie.

    On or before St. Patrick’s Day, most committees must post final Work Sessions on all bills originating in that chamber. Work sessions are meetings where bills can be amended, and/or moved from the committee to the floor of that chamber for a final vote. If a bill is not on the schedule by March 17, it is dead for 2023. This deadline will dramatically reduce the number of bills under consideration this year.

    The posting deadline is followed rapidly by the last day to hold a work session on bills from the chamber of origin (Work Sessions on House Bill in House Committees and Work Sessions in Senate Committees on Senate Bills). That deadline is April 4th. Starting April 5th, Senate Committees may only work on House Bills and House Committees may only work on Senate Bills.

    This is government, so there are a myriad of exceptions to each of these rules.


    On behalf of PLSO, I follow bills which will, or may, have an impact on land surveyors. I also track bills with a general impact on business in Oregon. Below are links to both the industry-specific bills I am tracking, and the general businesses bills I am tracking (so far). Here is some information on just a couple of the major bills of interest:

    House Bill 2029 / Bill Information

    Summary: Increases minimum type size for instruments presented for recording to county clerk. Relating To: Relating to instruments presented for recording to county clerk.



    3/6/23 H - Speaker signed.

    3/1/23 S - Third reading. Carried by Manning Jr. Passed.

    2/28/23 S - Carried over to 03-01 by unanimous consent.

    2/27/23 S - Second reading. 2/27/23 S - Recommendation: Do pass.

    2/21/23 S - Work Session held.

    2/16/23 S - Public Hearing held.

    2/3/23 S - Referred to Rules.

    2/2/23 S - First reading. Referred to President's desk.

    1/31/23 H - Third reading. Carried by Nosse. Passed.

    1/26/23 H - Second reading.

    1/25/23 H - Recommendation: Do pass.

    1/24/23 H - Work Session held.

    1/17/23 H - Public Hearing held. 1

    /11/23 H - Referred to Rules.

    1/9/23 H - First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk

    House Bill 2057 / Bill Information

    Summary: Makes contractor liable for unpaid wages, including other benefit payment or contributions of employee of subcontractor at any tier. Permits third party owed payment or contribution made as part of employee compensation to bring action against contractor on behalf of employee for unpaid wages. Requires subcontractor to provide certain payroll records and other information to contractor upon request. Permits contractor to withhold payment to subcontractor for failure to comply with request for records.

    Relating To: Relating to wages.


    3/8/23 H - Public Hearing scheduled.

    1/11/23 H - Referred to Business and Labor.

    1/9/23 H - First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk

    (Do you know any of the committee members?)

    House Bill 2213 / Bill Information

    Summary: Changes minimum contract price at which prevailing rate of wage applies to public works projects from $50,000 to amount Commissioner of Bureau of Labor and Industries specifies by rule. Provides that commissioner shall set contract price at $100,000 for year ending on December 31, 2024, and each year by March 31 must specify new contract price that reflects percentage change in U.S. City Average Consumer Price Index for previous calendar year. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.

    Relating To: Relating to an increase in the contract price at which the prevailing rate of wage applies to a contract for public works; creating new provisions; amending ORS 279C.810; and prescribing an effective date.

    Sponsors: Rep Smith DB, Rep Morgan


    1/11/23 H - Referred to Business and Labor.

    1/9/23 H - First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.

    House Bill 3362 / Bill Information

    Summary: Allows city or county to validate unit of land that had been approved for creation or recognition that was later revoked after sale to innocent purchaser.

    Relating To: Relating to validation of unit of land acquired by innocent purchaser; amending ORS 92.176.


    2/28/23 H - Referred to Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water.

    2/21/23 H - First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.

    Senate Bill 304 / Bill Information

    Summary: Establishes Task Force on Occupational Licensing. Directs task force to study value of occupational licensing regulatory agency. Permits task force to presession file legislation. Requires task force to report to Legislative Assembly. Sunsets December 31, 2024. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.

    Relating To: Relating to a task force on occupational licensing; and prescribing an effective date. Sponsors: Sen Dembrow, Sen Jama


    3/7/23 S - Public Hearing and Possible Work Session scheduled.

    2/7/23 S - Public Hearing held.

    1/31/23 S - Public Hearing held.

    1/13/23 S - Referred to Labor and Business, then Ways and Means.

    1/9/23 S - Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.

    Senate Bill 848 / Bill Information

    Summary: Extends provision relating to indemnification provisions in construction agreements to all types of damages. Provides that extent of obligation of person providing certain services to defend, indemnify or hold harmless another may be determined only after person's liability or fault is determined by adjudication or alternative dispute resolution or otherwise resolved by mutual agreement.

    Relating To: Relating to construction agreements; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 30.140.



    3/1/23 S - Public Hearing held.

    2/23/23 S - Public Hearing Cancelled.

    2/3/23 S - Referred to Judiciary.

    2/2/23 S - Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.


    The politicians now have a full head of steam. Keep your eyes open for monthly updates. In the meantime, please stay tuned. PLSO will send urgent updates if your help is needed in Salem. Your email, or phone call, could be pivotal in the success or failure of legislation. If you would like to visit with me, just reach out.

    Darrell Fuller has been a lobbyist in Salem since 1996. He can be reached by phone at 971-388-1786 and by email at


    Do you know who your State Senator and State Representative are in Salem? You can input your address and find out here. Your business location may be represented by a different Senator and Representative, meaning you can have twice the impact. You should know who represents you, and how to reach them during the Legislative Session.

    Do you personally know any State Senator or State Representative (even if they don’t represent you)? Do you attend the same church? Are you members of the same Rotary Club? Do your kids go to school together, or play on the same team? An established relationship with a legislator can be extremely valuable. If you have that kind of relationship, will you please let me know ASAP? Thanks, my contact information is at the end of this report. 

    If you want to testify (in person or virtually) in support or opposition to any proposal at the Capitol, you can learn how by clicking here. If you would like to submit written testimony, you can learn how by clicking here. If you have questions or problems, feel free to contact me directly (my contact information is at the end of this report).

    If you would like to offer your perspective or expertise to PLSO on any of the proposals, please send your input to the PLSO office by emailing Aimee at, or contact your Chapter Legislative Chair.

    You can also register to track specific bills so you will know if they are scheduled for action. You can learn more about that process here.

  • 08 Feb 2023 7:10 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    By Darrell W. Fuller / Lobbyist [CLICK TO WHERE eNEWS LEFT OFF]

    The 82nd Assembly of the Oregon Legislature began on January 9, 2023. On day one, 1,814 bills were introduced for consideration. Since then, another 402 were added for a total of 2,216 so far. The Legislature generally considers just under 4,000 bills during the session, which will end in late June.

    A handful of those bills could have a direct impact on PLSO members. I’ll list a few of the “highlights” below. But first, a couple of things to keep in mind:


    Do you know who your State Senator and State Representative are in Salem? You can input your address and find out here. Your business location may be represented by a different Senator and Representative, meaning you can have twice the impact. You should know who represents you, and how to reach them during the Legislative Session.

    Do you personally know any State Senator or State Representative (even if they don’t represent you)? Do you attend the same church? Are you members of the same Rotary Club? Do your kids go to school together, or play on the same team? An established relationship with a legislator can be extremely valuable. If you have that kind of relationship, will you please let me know ASAP? Thanks, my contact information is at the end of this report. 

    If you want to testify (in person or virtually) in support or opposition to any proposal at the Capitol, you can learn how by clicking here. If you would like to submit written testimony, you can learn how by clicking here. If you have questions or problems, feel free to contact me directly.

    If you would like to offer your perspective or expertise to PLSO on any of the proposals, please send your input to the PLSO office by emailing Aimee at, or contact your Chapter Legislative Chair. See Legislative Page here.

    You can also register to track specific bills so you will know if they are scheduled for action. You can learn more about that process here.


    On behalf of PLSO, I follow bills which will, or may, have an impact on land surveyors. I also track bills with a general impact on business in Oregon. Below are links to both the industry-specific bills I am tracking, and the general businesses bills I am tracking (so far). Here is some information on just a couple of the major bills of interest:

    House Bill 2029 / Bill Information

    Summary: Increases minimum type size for instruments presented for recording to county clerk.

    Relating To: Relating to instruments presented for recording to county clerk; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 205.232.


    2/3/23 S - Referred to Rules.

    2/2/23 S - First reading. Referred to President's desk.

    1/31/23 H - Third reading. Carried by Nosse. Passed.

    1/26/23 H - Second reading.

    1/25/23 H - Recommendation: Do pass.

    1/24/23 H - Work Session held.

    1/17/23 H - Public Hearing held.

    1/11/23 H - Referred to Rules.

    1/9/23 H - First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.

    Awaiting referral by the Senate President to a Senate Committee

    House Bill 2057 / Bill Information

    Makes contractor liable for unpaid wages, including other benefit payment or contributions of

    employee of subcontractor at any tier. Permits third party owed payment or contribution made as

    part of employee compensation to bring action against contractor on behalf of employee for unpaid

    wages. Requires subcontractor to provide certain payroll records and other information to

    contractor upon request. Permits contractor to withhold payment to subcontractor for failure to

    comply with request for records.

    In the House Committee on Business and Labor

    (Do you know any of the committee members?)

    House Bill 2213 / Bill Information

    Changes minimum contract price at which prevailing rate of wage applies to public works projects

    from $50,000 to amount Commissioner of Bureau of Labor and Industries specifies by rule.

    Provides that commissioner shall set contract price at $100,000 for year ending on December 31,

    2024, and each year by March 31 must specify new contract price that reflects percentage change in

    U.S. City Average Consumer Price.

    In the House Committee on Business and Labor

    (Do you know any of the committee members?)

    Senate Bill 304 / Bill Information

    Establishes Task Force on Occupational Licensing. Directs task force to study value of occupational

    licensing regulatory agency. Permits task force to presession file legislation. Requires task force to

    report to Legislative Assembly. Sunsets December 31, 2024. Takes effect on 91st day following

    adjournment sine die.

    In the Senate Committee on Labor and Business

    (Do you know any of the committee members?)

    Senate Bill 848 / Bill Information

    Extends provision relating to indemnification provisions in construction agreements to all types of

    damages. Provides that extent of obligation of person providing certain services to defend,

    indemnify or hold harmless another may be determined only after person's liability or fault is

    determined by adjudication or alternative dispute resolution or otherwise resolved by mutual


    In the Senate Committee on Judiciary

    (Do you know any of the committee members?)


    The politicians just got to town. They will be around for another five months. I will offer monthly updates. In the meantime, please stay tuned. PLSO will send urgent updates if your help is needed in Salem. Your email, or phone call, could be pivotal in the success or failure of legislation. If you would like to visit with me, just reach out.

    Darrell Fuller has been a lobbyist in Salem since 1996. He can be reached by phone at 971-388-1786 and by email at

  • 05 Jan 2023 4:56 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    FAIRFAX, VA - Legislation to create a current, accurate inventory or “cadastre” of Federal land owned by the Department of the Interior as well as the U.S. Forest Service, known as the Federal Land Asset Inventory Reform (FLAIR) Act, was enacted into law as part of the Omnibus appropriations bill passed by Congress and signed by President Biden on Thursday, December 29.

    The provision is found in H.R.2617the Consolidated Appropriations Act,FY 2023, also known as the Omnibus appropriations bill (4,155 pages), in Division DD – Public Land Management, Title I Department of the Interior Provisions, Sec. 103, Cadastre of Federal Real Property, beginning on page 2856.

    “This is a huge victory for the geospatial community. We first wrote the FLAIR Act and had it introduced in 2005. Years of persistence and hard work by many finally paid off. John “JB” Byrd of our firm played a critical role, having been a witness at a House committee hearing on the bill earlier this year, and adroitly and with tenacity shepherding the bill through the House and Senate. When building GIS or doing survey records research, this cadastre will make such data access and integration much more efficient. It will also improve Federal land management,” said John Palatiello of Miller Wenhold Capitol Strategies and Miller Wenhold Association Management (“MW”). Among the MW clients supporting the bill were the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) and the U.S. Geospatial Executives Organization (US. GEO).

    On Friday, December 30, One America News Network (OANN) aired an interview with Mr. Palatiello. To view the interview, click here. The bipartisan cadastre legislation, introduced in 2021 in the House by Reps. Ron Kind (D-WI) and Bruce Westerman (R-AR) and in the Senate by Senators Kevin Cramer (R-ND) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) had earlier been approved unanimously by the respective House and Senate committees of jurisdiction before agreement was reached to include it in the Omnibus bill.


    Miller/Wenhold is a federal-focused policy firm that specializes in geospatial, healthcare, transportation, engineering, infrastructure, maritime, tax, trade, small business, procurement, and education issues for clients.

  • 11 Nov 2022 10:12 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    [Jump to eNewsletter Break]

    (Caveat: Complete election results – in Oregon and across the country – won’t be known for more than a week. In Georgia, US Senate results will not be known for several weeks as they will have a runoff election in December. So, any of the conclusions I suggest could be wrong.)

    There is an old cliché about the view depending a lot on which end of a telescope one looks through. That could be quite appropriate of the 2022 election results.

    On the one hand, Republicans could be forgiven for expecting a huge Red Wave of victories. Nationally, Joe Biden – when compared to his predecessors -- is one of the most unpopular presidents at this point in his first term. Add to that inflation, gas prices, supply chain problems, and international instability, and you have a recipe for GOP success.

    Here in Oregon, Kate Brown has been the Governor with the lowest in-state popularity for many months. Add to that the very visible homelessness issue, crime increasing, and nightly rioting in Portland last year (with her tacit support) and local Republicans thought the expected national swing to the GOP might actually include Oregon this year (for a change).

    The Republican electoral expectations, which were amplified by much of the press, were sky high. Unrealistically high as it turned out. So, even victories are now being cast as a defeat. So, let’s look down the other end of the telescope, for just a moment, for some perspective. 

    [Jump from Enews link]

    Republicans WILL take control of the US House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi’s reign is over. While the margin will be thin, this is still a huge victory for Republicans. They won control of the House. They can stop President Biden’s agenda cold. But if you watch any of the talking heads, all they talk about is how poorly Republicans performed on election night. Winning is winning.

    To be fair, the US Senate is still up in the air.

    In Oregon over the past 20 years, only two of nearly 35 statewide partisan races have been won by a Republican. So, to expect Christine Drazan to beat Tina Kotek (even with Betsy Johnson as a spoiler) was a tall order. Statistically there was better than a 90 percent chance that Kotek would win the election.

    Oregon had three open Congressional seats (out of six total) on election night. Republicans talked in serious tones about winning all three. Or at least two of them. This, despite Democrats redrawing all the lines last year. The fact that Republican still may, in fact, win one of them (giving us four Democrats and two Republicans) should be considered a huge win. Republicans were actually competitive in all three districts drawn by Democrats. That’s amazing.

    And in the state house and senate, Republicans WILL make gains and narrow the Democrat’s majority. In fact, it is likely the Republicans have eliminated the Democrats supermajorities in both the senate and house. That’s a pretty darn good year for the GOP -- in Oregon of all places.

    Please note that in Oregon, not only are there thousands of votes still to be counted as this is being written, but because of a new law allowing ballots postmarked on election day to count, Oregon counties literally don’t even know how many more votes are still to come in to be counted over the next few days. Properly postmarked ballots will still count as long as they arrive at election offices within seven days of the election.

    Yes, Republicans did underperform unrealistically high expectations in Oregon and across the nation. But Republicans won. Republicans made gains nationally. Republicans made gains in Oregon. Republicans have reason to celebrate, not dismay, over the election results.

    p.s. I will provide updates as election results are certified and more is certain.

  • 19 Sep 2022 5:54 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    In Loving Memory of Eugene DiLoreto

    Oct. 23, 1925 - Sept. 8, 2022

    It is with deep sadness that PLSO announces the passing of it's co-founder Gene DiLoreto, who peacefully passed away on September 8th at the age of 96 with his family at his side.

    Gene was born in Bandon, Ore., to Angelo and Mary DiLoreto. He had one sister, Rose Angela. In 1930 the family moved to southeast Portland where Gene resided for the rest of his life. Gene attended Creston Grade School and graduated in 1943 from Franklin High School. Following high school, Gene enlisted in the Navy and was assigned to the USS Monterey, an aircraft carrier in the Pacific. He served on the same ship as former President Gerald Ford, although their paths never crossed.

    Following the end of WWII, Gene returned to Oregon and enrolled at Willamette University working towards a degree in mathematics. It was at Willamette, at the Catholic Newman Center, that Gene met Florence Polster. He was enchanted by her strength of character and dedication to her family and faith; she fell in love with his charming wit, kind eyes, and how he could make her laugh. They wed April 15, 1950. Gene would joke over the years that he must have tricked Florence into marrying him–and when you look at their wedding photo, he indeed looks like the cat that ate the canary! They raised five boys together in southeast Portland: Greg, Chris, Vince, Dale, and Mark. In 2022, they celebrated their 72nd wedding anniversary.

    In 1949, Gene began work for the Multnomah County Road Department, where he would work for the next 34 years. Initially hired as an inspector, Gene progressed in his career to surveyor and in 1961, a civil engineer, where his first project was the design of Marine Drive. 

    It was in 1959 that Gene, together with Claire Pense and Harlan Scott, formed the Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon, before becoming incorporated in in 1960. He rarely missed an Annual Convention, was easy going and happy to take a moment to chat with younger generations about surveying. Read more about the inception of PLSO here. (Pic below starting from the left: Eugene, Bert Mason, Claire Pense)

    During Gene's working career he also founded a small surveying firm, which designed many of the subdivisions in the Damascus, Ore. area. He also provided surveying jobs for all his sons, such that three of them obtained civil engineering degrees from Oregon State and the creative two obtained architecture degrees from the University of Oregon. He was a mentor and role model to all his children and grandchildren.

    During retirement, Gene and Florence traveled extensively, with a driving trip around the United States, a trip to Canada, another trip to Italy to see the old homestead and family. They also visited every county fair in Oregon. Never one to miss a family wedding or celebration, he and Florence traveled all over the country, and notably made the long journey to Montreal to see their oldest son Greg installed as President of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Just before his passing Gene visited the Navy boot camp in Idaho with his son Vince and his wife, where he trained before being assigned to the USS Monterey aircraft carrier.

    Gene was extremely active in his church, St. Anthony's Catholic Church of Portland. He served on numerous parish committees and on the original steering committee together for the St. Anthony's Village, an assisted living facility. Gene could always be seen greeting people as they entered church, taking up the collection, as a reader during Mass, a Eucharistic Minister, and handing out bulletins at the end of Mass. He enjoyed the fellowship of his church particularly the weekly coffee klatch with men in the parish.

    Generous of spirit and of heart, Gene was the proudest of his family. At every large family gathering he seemed to radiate joy, just seeing his brood boisterously laugh and enjoy each other's company. His dedication to his family was unparalleled and Gene reveled in being a father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. He was an uncommonly kind man who was quick to laugh and even quicker to help anyone in need. His deep wisdom, charming wit, and gentle leadership will truly be missed by all who knew him.

    Gene is survived by his wife, Florence; his five sons and their wives; his 14 grandchildren; and his six great-grandchildren.

    A rosary will be held at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022, at the Mount Scott Funeral Home, 4205 S.E. 59th Ave., Portland. A funeral Mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 22nd at St. Anthony's Parish.

    The family suggests donations in his memory be made to St. Anthony's of Padua Catholic Parish, 3720 S.E. 79th Ave., Portland, OR 97206, or Catholic Charities.

    Please sign the online guest book at

  • 14 Sep 2022 9:02 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    Good morning all,

    I am pleased to announce that Joe Mannix will officially begin his role as the supervisory land surveyor for Northwest Oregon District starting September 25, duty stationed in the Salem Office.  Joe has already started taking over some of the coordination for this position.  As he continues to fully integrate into the Northwest Oregon Lead position, he will begin withdrawing from some his previous lead roles.  For Joe he will be returning to supporting the Northwest Oregon District where he spent several years as a field surveyor in Springfield before taking a technical lead role with the State Office.  Joe’s energy, charisma, and relationships built from his time in Springfield will serve him well.

    Congratulations Joe!

    And I would like to officially announce that Robert Femling has been selected to be the next Branch Chief for Geographic Sciences and well start the position on September 25.  For those wondering, yes this feels very odd to be the one sending this message to the Branch, but while Mary is out that is the way it has gone.  I am sure some of you are wondering “How is that going to work with Mary also in the position?”.  Mary’s current plans are to remain for several more months to be part of the transition and trying to show me the rope while also helping begin the new fiscal year.  I expect to be drinking from a fire hose for that time!  I will refrain from doing much introduction of myself, but I am excited to continue to be a part of this Branch and look forward to leading these groups into the future.

    Thank you all for the work that you.


    Robert Femling

    Cadastral Section 2 Chief

    Bureau of Land Management

    Oregon State Office

  • 09 Sep 2022 10:53 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    As Aimee McAullife's column in the next issue of The Oregon Land Surveyor discusses, PLSO has been working on ways to promote the profession through social media to students. At this phase Aimee has been following surveyors across the country and researching local influencers. One of her favorite surveyor accounts is @geospatially_opinionated on Instagram, run out of Kentucky by Kenny Marhoffer with Davey Resource Group. Other than working as a land surveyor and running a successful Instagram profile, Kenny also happens to organize an annual Surveyor Camp.

    "It's a camping trip that I formed in 2020 that approximately 15-30 people from all across the nation go on every year," Kenny explained. "I pretty much ask people on Instagram if they want to go and then bring it all together through email. I've had people from California, Washington, Maine and Florida come into North Carolina for the trip. It's a mix of men and women, business owners and technicians just starting out. Some people get hired after the trip, but it's really about creating friendships and community."

    This year's trip is September 22-25. You can check out the itinerary here. If you want to attend this year or have more advanced warning for next year, be sure to message Kenny on Instagram at @geospatially_opinionated.

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