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  • 20 Nov 2017 12:04 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    NSPS Scholarship Deadline January 15th!

    Each year, through the National Society of Professional Surveyors Foundation, over $30,000 dollars in scholarships funded by a variety of individuals, companies, and organizations are made available to encourage and support college education in geospatial sciences. These scholarships are a great opportunity for college students in surveying, mapping, geographic information systems, and geodetic science programs. The application deadline is January 15, 2018.

  • 06 Oct 2017 9:57 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    PLSO Announces New Rebranding Partnership

    PLSO is excited to announce its new partnership with creative services firm Pivot Group. Pivot is a Portland-based customer engagement company that specializes in telling their clients stories in a compelling way. And that is exactly what PLSO wants to do. Tell our story to the professional community, public and future workforce. PLSO's ultimate goals during this process are:

    1.     Increase the public awareness of the importance of the surveying profession and promoting the image of the profession.

    2.     Increase the number of young people coming into the profession.

    3.     Make PLSO an easily recognizable organization to the public, Oregon legislature, and partner professions.

    4.     Make PLSO relevant to Oregon surveyors and increase membership by giving a clear message about who we are and our value to professionals.

    With over half of their clients being non-profits, Pivot Group understands the unique culture PLSO brings to the table. The firm has dedicated staff members working in tandem on non-profit accounts, ensuring they are immersed in the language, trends, challenges, and opportunities unique to the non-profit world.

    Most recently, they have won national awards for their work, including projects recognized by American Marketing, MUSE, How Magazine, Print Magazine, and Graphis.

    The planning, approval and selection process went through multiple discussions at the PLSO State Board level prior to creating a member driven task force to work exclusively on the project. This summer the group selected three firms to interview from a larger pool that had responded to an RFP and unanimously voted on Pivot Group before sending it to the State Board for approval. Minutes of the State Board meetings are all kept online in the Membership Resource tab of Members Only section

  • 06 Apr 2017 8:33 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    NSPS Radio Hour — April 10 at 11 a.m. EST

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    After a couple of unavoidable postponements for his appearance, Scott Fein (PLS, CWRE, CFedS) will join host Curt Sumner to discuss the far reaches of surveying in the modern world, beyond making maps and marking lines/corners. Scott is the County Surveyor for Jackson County, OR. He says that marijuana legalization has brought the need and desire to know who's is what and where it is to a new level in Southern Oregon. State law regulating the new legal crop points directly to platting statutes which have a multitude of related land use implications. To listen to archives of previous shows, visit Archives for each show are typically available for listening within a few days after the show airs. Also check out this cool video created for the NSPS Radio Hour by GeoLearn:

  • 03 Apr 2017 10:54 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    Surveying Mentorships: From Prospects to Veterans


    When a surveyor retires, a wealth of knowledge goes with them. Mix that reality with the fact that there is not necessarily a sufficient stream of incoming surveyors to replace their aging predecessors and it becomes clear that action must be taken. One way to address the issue is through mentorship.

    Lee Spurgeon, LS, is the chairman of the Educational Goals and Outreach Committee for the Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon (PLSO). The land surveyor of 40 years oversees the group’s mentoring program and says mentorship in the surveying profession is really important. “The average age of a surveyor in Oregon, I think, is 56 years old, which means we’re all going to retire in the next eight or nine years. So we need to find replacements or we might end up with things like a paralegal — a para-surveyor,” he says. “Institutional knowledge is lost when the old-timers retire, so mentoring will be able to pass that information on and just have a much more informed profession so everyone can do a better job of retracing those original monuments.”


  • 09 Mar 2017 4:13 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    The Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering & Land Surveying (OSBEELS) is holding a Board meeting on Tuesday, March 14, 2017. The meeting will convene at 9:00 a.m. Interested parties are encouraged to attend. Please see the attached meeting notice and agenda for more information.

    Additional information about OSBEELS can be found at:

    Please direct any questions about the upcoming meeting to the Board office.



    1. ROLL CALL


    3. NCEES Presentation – Brian Hanson, NCEES WZ Vice President


    A. Approval of the March 14, 2017 Agenda

    B. Approval of January 10, 2017 Board meeting minutes

    C. Approval of January 19, 2017 Special Board meeting minutes

    D. Approval of February 9, 2017 Law Enforcement Committee meeting minutes

    E. Approval of February 10, 2017 committee meeting minutes

    F. Registration Approval List

    G. LEC Final Orders

    i. Case #2887 – Comfort Flow Heating Default Final Order

    ii. Case #3023 – Karr Default Final Order

    iii. Case #3024 – Uzman Default Final Order


    6. PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Jason Kent


    A. OAR 820-010-4000

    B. Engineering experience gained under supervision of a PLS [ORS 672.005(1)(c), (d), (e)]

    C. EQC Denial Recommendation - Kloehn, Kurt

    D. Lentz, Gordon – Proposed Order

    E. Leshchinsky, Ora – Proposed Order


    Schroeder Measurement Technologies, Inc. (SMT) update


    A. Surveyor registration record search / PLSO

    B. 2017 Symposium update

    C. Oregon Examiner Articles

    i. May Board meeting to be held at OSU

    ii. Upcoming legislative session and professional organization involvement

    iii. 2017 Symposium introduction

    iv. Board members wanted

    v. Farewell to Ron Singh

    vi. Investigation and Enforcement

    vii. Preparing for retirement

    viii. Social Security number reminder for license renewal

    ix. What types of courses meet PDH requirements

    D. Website update – Keith Van Norman

    10. FINANCE COMMITTEE – Jason Kent

    A. 2017 – 2019 Budget / OAR 820-080-1000

    B. Review of financial information


    A. Case #2964 – Camp, Jack

    B. Case #3017 – Yang, GuiJang

    C. Case #2989 – Hupy, Brad

    D. Case #2925 – Smith, Joel


    UAS and Land Surveying Regulations Brochure


    Draft Policy


    A. Legislative Committee membership

    B. HB 2935 (Sponsored by Representative Boone)

    a. PEO Draft Language

    b. SB 885 (Sponsored by Senator Roblan)

    C. HB 3168 (Sponsored by Committee on Business and Labor)


    A. Discussion of PDH requirements

    B. Discussion on Academic Experience


    A. Nominating Committee

    B. GIS in Action Conference / Presentation on PRSTF

    17. LEGAL BRIEFING – Katharine Lozano

    Property Line Adjustments



    May 9, 2017 at Oregon State University (OSU)

  • 22 Feb 2017 1:03 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    It’s not breaking news that the annual number of retiring surveyors far exceeds the number of those entering the surveying profession. It’s up to us to reverse this trend. One of the best ways to do that is to introduce the newest generation to the surveying profession. Show them how interesting your job is and how it relates to their local community

    Help PLSO, NSPS and NCEES get the word out! Check out the tool kit designed to help you promote the profession here.

    A “live” link to the GPS on Bench Marks activity mentioned in Section 3 of the kit is found here.

    Other great suggestions that some state societies and individual NSPS members are doing include: Geocaching activities, Survey Day in Mall, request to speak to a local civic club (Elks, Grange, Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary, Ruritan, VFW, etc.), Professional Organization (Realtors/Attorneys/Bankers/Title Agents/etc.), or Teachers organization (School Counselors, Teachers of Math and Science, etc.)

  • 20 Feb 2017 4:49 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    COOS BAY — National Engineers Week is Feb. 19–25, and the local chapter of Professional Engineers of Oregon and Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon have coordinated an exhibition program involving high school students from Coos, Curry, and Douglas counties, as well as students from Southwestern Oregon Community College. The exhibition will take place from 4:30-8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22, at Southwestern Oregon Community College, 1988 Newmark Ave., Coos Bay. A buffet dinner will follow the program. The buffet will cost $15 per person; students will eat for free.

    Engineers Week is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding and interest in engineering and technology careers among young students, and by promoting pre-college literacy in math and science.

  • 12 Dec 2016 3:44 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    March 15: Oregon Coordinate Reference System Workshop

    • 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM
    • Umpqua Community College
    Click for More Info and Registration

  • 06 Sep 2016 4:42 PM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    New Member Benefit - Discount membership to American Association for Geodetic Surveying

    On September 2nd, PLSO became an affiliate member of the American Association for Geodetic Surveying (AAGS). This is at no cost to PLSO and offers discount membership to its members. Joining AAGS as an Affiliate Member costs $40 per year. Membership is not required, only offered as a benefit to our members.

    The AAGS vision is to lead the community of geodetic surveying, surveying, and land information data- users through the 21st century. In this vein, AAGS is working to develop educational programs through presentations, seminars, workshops, and on-line videos related to the topics of geodetic surveying. In the near future, AAGS will be providing a Geodetic Certification program, which will be available on-line. All PLSO members who become affiliate members of AAGS will get webinars and Geodetic Certification materials at regular AAGS member prices. We can also join AAGS as Regular members and will get Surveying and Land Information Science, which is the only journal that routinely accepts – or even accepts at all – papers on boundary issues and is the profession’s only refereed journal. SaLIS has published four boundary-related papers in its last five publications. As GNSS, laser scanning, and other new technologies come into common use, AAGS will be at the forefront in developing the necessary education for proper use of these technologies.

    Currently, the Alaska Section of the ACSM, Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, and Rhode Island and Oregon have agreed to affiliate with AAGS. More state societies will hopefully become affiliates of AAGS following their upcoming board meetings. 


  • 05 Sep 2016 10:30 AM | PLSO Office (Administrator)

    Within 24 hours of submitting a letter to his state’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) office, TJ Frazier, President of the Maryland Society of Surveyors received a response and a scheduled meeting to discuss workforce development in the surveying and geospatial community. 

    The Maryland effort is part of the NSPS national workforce development initiative, designed to help attract the next generation of professional surveyors and technicians. That program begins with a letter-writing campaign by state surveying societies, as well as by local chapters and individual surveyors and firms. [READ MORE]

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